​​Monroe Floor Resurfacing understands the significant benefits of installing a new hardwood floor in your home. With improved aesthetics, acoustics, and increased home value, it's no wonder homeowners are excited about the installation process. However, proper preparation is crucial to ensure a seamless installation experience. That's why we've compiled a comprehensive checklist to help you properly prepare your home for the big day. By following these simple steps, you can trust that Monroe Floor Resurfacing will provide you with exceptional service and high-quality results.

a contractor installing a hardwood floor with a power tool

Clear Your Home

The first step is to remove all items from your home, such as:

  • Furniture
  • Electronics
  • Appliances
  • Rugs
  • Exercise equipment

Before installing your new hardwood floor, it is important to remove any items in the area. To ensure a smooth process, consider placing everything in temporary storage beforehand.

Remove Breakable Wall Items

To ensure a safe installation process, it is important to not only clear the floor, but also remove any fragile items hanging on the walls. Mirrors and paintings, for instance, should be taken down to prevent potential damage.

Disconnect Electronic Outlets and Gas Appliance Hookups

In addition to removing electronics and appliances, you’ll need to disconnect outlets and hookups prior to installing a new hardwood floor. If you’re installing new flooring in your laundry room, for instance, you’ll need to disconnect the washer and dryer. 

For some homeowners, this is something they can do themselves. However, if you don’t feel comfortable with this, you’ll want to arrange for a professional to take care of it. 

Check to See if Door Adjustments Need to Be Made

One issue homeowners need to account for when installing a new hardwood floor is a potential rise in floor level. When this happens, you may need to make door adjustments to account for the higher floor level. This means you may need to remove the baseboards and trim, as well as have doors shaved to match the new floor height. Check with your floor installer beforehand to learn more and find a solution that fits your unique needs.

Create a Work Zone

Improve the productivity of your flooring installation company with a designated work space for preparing flooring materials. Creating a dedicated area where your team can trim wood and resize materials will optimize the installation process. Consider providing a garage to protect both your team and their tools from the elements. Alternatively, an empty driveway or outdoor cutting area can also be suitable options. By planning ahead and providing this space, you can ensure a smooth workflow and enhance efficiency.

Interested in hardwood floor installation? Contact the professionals at Monroe Floor Resurfacing to guide you through the process. Give us a call at 585-953-6926 or reach out through our online contact page to get a free estimate today!